Monday, December 30, 2013

LIVING WITH NATURE SCHOOL ON BLOG hits 668,154 Pageviews (May 2007 - December 2013)

Dr Abe V Rotor

Modern communication has extended schooling on cyberspace which is called in a number of ways, such as 
  • e-learning, 
  • distance education, 
  • university-without-walls.  
  • school-on-blog. 
1. A running total of 668,154 pageviews of Living with Nature School on Blog has been recorded from May 2007 to December 2013, with monthly pageviews ranging from 10,000 to 20,000 (for December 2013 alone, there are 15,786 pageviews).  
A pageview is an instance of a page being loaded by a browser. The Pageviews metric is the total number of pages viewed; repeated views of a single page are also counted. Since the lessons in this Blog are short and seldom exceed one page, a pageview is assumed as "class attendance." Google Analytics logs a pageview each time the tracking code is executed on a web page. (Figure 1)

Figure 1 - General Overview, inclusive May 2007 to December 2013

Figure 2 - Overview inclusive December 23 to December 30, 2013 

Figure 3 - Lessons most visited.  Note: December 28, 2011 lesson is on the life and work of Jose Rizal with 2878 pageviews 

Figure 5 - Top 10 countries with the most number of pageviews

Figure 6A and 6B - Main browsers and operating systems 

Figure 7 - Naturalism - the Eighth Sense overview April 2009 to December 2013.  Top 10 countries, browser and operating systems used by pageviewers. 

Figure 8 - Naturalism - the Eighth Sense overview April 2009 to December 2013. Top 5 lessons, total number of pageviews (2009-2013), pageviews for the moth (December 2013)  
Figure 9 - Naturalism - the Eighth Sense overview April 2009 to December 2013. Top 10 countries with most number of pageviews (2009-2013), browser and operating systems used.   

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