Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Lessons from Dr Jose Rizal - in commemoration of his death anniversary, December 30, 1896

Living with Nature School on Blog 
Paaralang Bayan sa Himpapawid (People's School-on-Air) with Ms Melly C Tenorio 738 DZRB AM Band, 8 to 9 evening class Monday to Friday
Author poses before the historical marker, Arch of the Centuries,
University of Santo Tomas, Manila. Author is an alumnus (PhD 1986)
and professor in the UST Graduate School, and Faculty of Arts and Letters.

Since childhood I have always looked up to our national hero, Dr Jose P Rizal, as my personal hero. Here is a list of lessons I gathered from my readings about his life and works.
  1. Don't allow yourself to fall into vices and bad habits.
  2. Seek the truth, how difficult and painful it may cause you.
  3. Tap your talents, develop them to the fullest and use them for a cause.
  4. Work hard, aim high, and realize your dreams.
  5. Never associate yourself with people who can destroy your values and principles.
  6. Fight for your rights, and the rights of others, seek for and stand by the truth.
  7. Always be ready to help people, particularly those who are less fortunate than you are.
  8. Love your country, there is no better place in the whole world.
  9. Love your people, they are your pride, dedicate your life to them.
  10. Freedom is the first and ultimate right of any individual.
  11. Never forget to recognize God' wisdom and goodness in the midst on man's evil ways.
  12. Be fair, be objective, be sincere in seeking justice.
  13. The meaning of life is its consecration to a great idea - even if its time has not come.
  14. In death there is light even before freedom for which you fought has not dawned.
  15. Goodness will always triumph over evil; never evil over evil.
  16. Look back at tradition, preserve and be proud of it; it is the foundation of values in life.
  17. Remember your ancestors and those who died for your country and people.
  18. Fight for the cause of social justice; you have all reasons to gain for your people and country - even if you lose.
  19. The thre greatest treasures of mankind are liberty, fraternity and equality - guard them with your life.
  20. Martyrdom is the greatest credential that shall earn you a place to be with your Creator.
Add to the list other lessons this great man has influenced you, the Filipino people, and the world. ~

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