Friday, October 25, 2013

Make peace as you grow older.

Make peace as you grow older. 
 Dr Abe V Rotor

  • Older societies are more peaceful than younger societies. 
  • Old men don’t go to war. It is the brave who dies young. 
  • “Where have all the flowers gone?” speaks the youth cut down in their prime. 
  • All wars – ancient, religious, political – the young is the sacrificial lamb. 
  • People as they grow older can’t simply be made easy tools for power and greed. ~

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dr Abe I am from Lapog and I know the epidemic happened from the scars that was evident from the people the people and relatives that I know. Thanks for the worthy recognition of my hometown and the epidemic that made it worth mentioning. I listen to your program everyday on my way to work (morning here in Toronto Canada). More power to you and Ka Mely.
