Saturday, October 19, 2013

"Angels just pass by, Sel." - a tribute to the enduring friendship of Dr Anselmo S Cabigan and the author

Dr Anselmo Set Cabigan, PhD visits pine saplings
in Lipa Batangas. Below, he examines the flower
of the enigmatic pongapong (Amorpophallus
campanolatus) at the former SPUQ EcoSanctuary QC. 
On-site lecture in biology at the former SPUQC Museum

This article is tribute to the friendship of Dr. Anselmo Set Cabigan and the author. Both were classmates from BS to Ph.D   They worked together for many years until their retirement from the government, and the academe.
Dr Abe V Rotor

All the years, to describe you, let me count the ways:
But first, admit your age, and heed the one who says.

Our roads crossed time and again - perhaps the eighth,
Under any umbrella, any fort of service and faith;

A tree you planted, its boughs filled with children,
In its shade, old and young call each other brethren;

A field of grass undulating in whispers and in song
Of hopes and dreams among the beloved throng;

A plow, you're the man behind a home and nation,
A computer, cyberspace its eye and its bastion.

Nata to leather, fruit to wine, microbes to food,
Work of a goodhearted genius working under the hood.

Busy feet, busy hands, bound in thought and sinew,
Work, work, work - whatever may be your view.

And play? And jokes? You've got a lot, too.
Cracking one, and I saw how a whole class blew.

Child of Nature years ago, but never getting old,
Though your hair is vanishing, laurels in its hold;

The span of time and space, you now sit on its shed,
Furrows on your forehead, your vision dims ahead.

If for any reason you keep on searching, never tiring,
It's because the stars shine far out into the morning,

And ideals and truth are not the same, are they?
There are no answers - yet you wish there may.

In a perfect place and time, here and beyond SPUQ,
Angels just pass by Sel, we can only guess they do.~

Left: Author and Dr Cabigan inspect a Green Revolution school project in the seventies; pose after attending the Ramon Magsaysay Awards ceremonies in 2009.  

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