Monday, June 24, 2013

Asking for a Raise

Here is a story I read in the elementary. It is about two workers - Pedro and Jose.

One day Pedro approached his boss and complained why his partner Jose is receiving a higher pay when both of them have the same nature of work.

“Ah, Pedro,” sighed the boss with a sheepish smile. “You will come to know the reason.”

Just then the doorbell rang. “Pedro, please find out who is at the gate.”

After some time, Pedro returned, “Someone is looking for you, sir.”

“Ask who he is.” Pedro went to the gate again, and reported back.

“He is a certain Mr. Carlos, sir.”

“Ask him what he wants.” Pedro went to the gate for the third again, and then returned.

“I did not get it well, sir. But he said he sells home appliances … promo, something like that. He would like to meet the manager.”

“Tell him we do not need any appliance.”

The next day the doorbell rang again. This time, both Pedro and Jose were in the office of their boss. It was Jose who promptly rose from his seat to attend to the visitor at the gate. After a while he returned and reported.

“The visitor is an insurance agent, sir. He was offering insurance for our building, and knowing that it is already covered, I told him we do not need his offer at the moment. He gave me his business card.” Jose handed the card and excused himself for another call.

“Now you understand,” said the boss to Pedro with a sheepish smile. ~

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