Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Outreach Program for Children: Folk Wisdom for Growing Up (April - May 2013)

Dr Abe V Rotor

 Accredited by the University of Santo Tomas Faculty of Arts &
 Letters, in cooperation with Lagro Homeowners’ Association,
  Paaralang Bayan sa Himpapawid  738 DZRB (8 to 9 evening,
Monday to Friday), and Internet Living with Nature  School
on Blog (


Summer Workshop April – May 2013

Lagro, QC

1. Summer workshop for children of school age - 7 to 12

2. Recommended and sponsored by officers of Lagro homeowners Association

3. Class size: 25 to 30, preferably of equal gender

4. Venue and facilities: Conference Hall, with working tables, blackboard,
proper ventillation. (Multi media and sound system, optional)

5. Attendance: ten sessions, three hours each, thrice a week; in additon, field trip, exhibit and graduation.

6. Class rules: same as in school, on grooming, attendance, performance

7. Recognition: Grading and ranking, citations, exhibit award.

8. Lessons: See list of topics in 6 parts or chapters. See attached manual

9. Teaching method: Lecture-demo, hands-on, team work, field lecture,
tutoring if needed.

10. Broadcast Link: 738 DZRB Paaralang Bayan sa Himpapawid, 8 to 9 evening class, Monday to Friday

11. Internet Link: Living with Nature, School on Blog

12. Accreditation: Certificate of participation, UST Faculty of Arts & Letters

13. Field lecture and on-the spot painting: La Mesa Eco Park

14. Special project: Exhibit of selected work, and graduation

15. Cooperating organizations: LAHA, LGU, UST, others

Class Schedule: MWF 8 to11 AM, April 15 start of classes

                                           Folk Wisdom for Growing Up

                             Workshop Outline*

Part I Keeping Tradition Alive
1.     Folk Wisdom - Link of Generations
2.     Indigenous Games and Sports
3.     Life on the Countryside:  Trapping Frogs
4.     Have you seen a Scarecrow lately?

Part II Appreciating Nature’s Beauty and Bounty
      5.  Reading Nature’s signals – a naturalist’s experience
      6.  Natural Aquarium - Microcosm of the Living World
      7.  Living World under the Microscope
      8.  Don’t waste food, don’t
      9.  Let’s save our children from the tender trap of Consumerism

Part III Building Good Health and Lifestyle
                      10.  Live Healthier and Longer with Natural Food 
                11. Sleep Paralysis - wiggle your toes, move your fingers – don’t give up!
                12. Fifty Causes of Allergy - a Checklist
                13. Pets Mellow Our Character
                14. Make your dog happy

Part IV Developing Practical Skills and Self-Reliance
                      15.  Make your own Mineral Water with malunggay seeds.
                      16.  Tips when buying fruits, fish, and processed food
                      17.  Home Vegetable Garden Models
                      18.  Pencil Cap and Simple Technologies
                      19.  Wild food plants are also called “survival plants.”

Part V Tapping Talents in the Humanities
    20.  Composition through Painting
    21.  Guidelines in Basic Painting
    22.  The Mystery Child
    23.  The White Cross
    24.  La Golondrina, the Grandest Kite
    25.  Guava – Natural Wonder of the World
    26.  Verses for Children: Keyhole Views of the World of Children

Part VI Emulating Models of Greatness
  27.  Rizal - My Hero
  28.  Reflections on the Legacy of Abraham Lincoln
  29.  Gandhi, Man of the Millennium

   30.  Workshop Exercises: Self-Analysis and Reflection

                 *List offers a wide choice of topics, and allows inclusion of others, as necessary.  


Children come every Sunday afternoon to the house in Lagro. At first there were six, then two dozens -  children ages 7 to 13 years from the neighborhood. They call me Lolo Abe, their mentor.

They are in the grades and in high school and they are intelligent. And they are a happy lot. They like to come and want to know what I am doing with the microscope, how I mix colors and paint on canvas, play the violin, feed the fish in the aquarium. Or visit an mongrel dog I gave a home.

We meet under a covered front yard and under the trees. It is sort of extension class. Lessons were compiled and became a source book.  It has six chapters with thirty  articles.

1.    Keeping Tradition Alive
2.    Appreciating Nature’s Beauty and Bounty
3.    Building Good Health and Lifestyle
4.    Developing Practical Skills and Self-Reliance
5.    Tapping Talents in the Humanities
6.    Emulating Models of Greatness

Some have attended as many as 12 sessions, three hours each.  They started talking about school projects, home remedies, and things about growing up – or at least, not cartoon characters, computer games, or frequenting the malls. But what happens after?  

The lessons are taken up on  Paaralang Bayan sa Himpapawid hosted by Ms Melly C Tenorio and myself as the instructor. The program is linked up with School on Blog [], broadcast simultaneously every 8 to 9 in the evening, Monday to Friday on 738 DZRB AM.

The children simply open the Blog and read the lessons. They can download and print them. New lessons are posted regularly to keep the program going. They join the viewers on the Internet (500,000 pageviews to date), and the audience of  the radio program. On PBS and Bureau of Broadcast  network nationwide and on [] worldwide

Learning can be simplified with today’s technology and vast networking. Education can be made available to everyone.  Lessons become practical, literacy functional with the least cost. Let us start with the kids in the neighborhood.  

NOTE: Each of the twelve (12) successful participants will be awarded a Certificate of Participation by the UST Faculty of Arts and Letters, indeed a great pride and honor for these potential leaders, and on the part of their parents and the community.  

Personal Data
Workshop Participant

Name:                                                   Nickname:                               Photo 2” x 2”
Address:                                              Contact Number:

Birthday:                                              Nationality:                Religion:

School:                                                Grade/Year coming School year:

Father:                                                 Age, Profession/Occupation:

Mother:                                                Age, Profession/Occupation:

Brother/s:                                            Age, Work/School & year:

Sister/s:                                               Age, Work/School & year:

Hobbies: (Cite only active hobbies, and talents)

Honors received:


Printed Name with signature


____________________________                          _________________________        

Printed Names with signatures                                  Printed Name with signature
Parents/Guardian                                                         LAHA President 

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