Thursday, March 21, 2013

Meditation with Nature

Meditation with Nature

"I firmly believe that nature brings solace in all troubles." 
– Anne Frank 

 Dr Abe V Rotor 

Green World in acrylic, AV Rotor

1. When reality dies it may become a dream.
And dream is reality again foreseen.

2. The past leaves but little in the future,
A test how long man can endure.

3. Beauty seen once breaks the heart,
Wait for the image to depart

4. We don't have the time, indeed an alibi,
To indolence and loafing, letting time pass by.

5. Evil is evil indeed - so with its mirror,
While goodness builds on goodness in store.

6. To endure pain of hatred,
A leader's wisdom is dared.

7. Kindness, however small,
Is never, never wasted at all.

8. Unless cut and polished, a stone is stone;
Like a gene lying deep, unknown, alone.

9. Make believe prosperity,
Sound of vessel when empty.

10. Beauty builds upon beauty,
Ad infinitum to eternity.

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