Saturday, July 28, 2012

Introduction to Ethnobotany: Can you identify these indigenous plants? -

Introduction to Ethnobotany:  
Can you identify these indigenous plants?  
Dr Abe V Rotor





1. Chayote - Sechium edule
2. Papait (cultured) - Mollugo oppositifolia
3. Bagbagkong - Telosma procumbens
4. Saluyot - Corchorus olitorius 
5. Alugbati - Basella alba 

6. Dampalit (wild) - Sesuvium portulacastrum
7. Kamias - Averrhoa bilimbi
8. Kuchay - Allium ramosum
9. Pandan Mabango - Pandanus amaryllifolius
10. Papait (wild) - Mollugo oppositifolia

11. Siling Labuyo
12. Karimbuaya
13. Talinum
14. Tanglad
15. Arusip

16. Pokpoklo
17. Squash Flower (male)
18. Dampalit (cultured)
19. Pako' (edible fern)
20. Himbaba-o (alokong Ilk)

21. Ulasiman (ngalog Ilk)
22.Wax gourd (tangkoy Ilk)
23. Tainga ng daga mushroom
24. Kutchay flower
25. Sinkamas

26. Native ampalaya
      and upo
27. Malunggay
28. Red ginger
29. Bignay
30. Achuete

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