Thursday, June 28, 2012

Self-Administered Test on Bilmoko and The Customer is Always Right (True or False, 25 Items)

Are you getting your money's worth?
Dr Abe V Rotor

The customer is always right. Is it? Let's find out.

1. You need a Utility Vehicle but you want a limousine – that’s how you differentiate the need from want. Needs are based on necessity; want on luxury. Most often we go for things beyond necessity. What you want is more expensive in most cases than what you need. Needs are bare, wants are elaborate.

2. Need is easier to satisfy; want satisfies appeal – and appeal is subjective; it is infinite.

3. New products are aggressively introduced into the market. Slow moving items must go. Expired goods (or about to) are virtually useless, and they are dangerous to use or consume. And here you are - a fish ready to bite. Don’t.

4. Bilmoko is a syndrome created by our capitalistic world. It thrives on young people from kinder to teenagers. They are the agents of consumerism, and consumerism is the main pillar or capitalism.

5. We place high confidence on computers because they are fail-safe; they are accurate, prompt and up-to-date.

6. Computerized receipts are supposed to be BIR registered. Demand this kind of receipt for the item you bought or service you paid for. Conventional receipts should be likewise BIR registered.

7. Don’t be too trusting. Don’t become unwilling victim of opportunists and rogues. Don’t be in a hurry to buy anything. This is where you are most vulnerable.

8. Initial deposits may turn out non-refundable. Don’t fall into this tender trap.

9. Memorandum of Agreement must be bilateral. Don’t be an underdog. Consult an expert, a lawyer, before you sign.

10. Utang, Puro Utang: Avoid Credit, cash it. Don’t use credit card unless it is very necessary.

11. There are possessions that are better to give as gifts or donations, than to convert them into cash. Remember the victims of calamities, poor children around and specially this Christmas.

12. They say only 50 percent (even less) is true in advertisement. There are advertisements though that are genuine and sincere, in fact educational. But a great many merely paints a rosy garden.

13. Advertising appeals to the weakness of human nature – emotion. It thrives on conditioned learning (psychological thirst). Advertisement is applied aesthetics, you are captive of your own desires.

14. Don’t allow yourself the "guinea pig" of new products and services.

15. Geniuses wanted – geniuses discovered. The first person to get rich, in fact multi-billionaire, through intellectual property is Bill Gates (Microsoft).

16. Cyber age brought a new concept of freedom: Digital Democracy. It brought to the masses science and technology, education and entertainment. Make a movie, publish a book, compose a opera with your PC.

17. Printers are cheaper than ink; photocopying machines are cheaper than the ink powder and electromagnetic drum.

18. Managers are paid less than consultants. CEOs receive many times (17 times) more that the average worker in their organizations, according to a US survey.

19. Open University allows you to enter school in your workplace, in your home, even in your sick bed.

20. What makes food expensive is the sophisticated culinary art - the aesthetics of food in restaurants and hotels. Learn the art and trade. Bring it home. Share with your spouse and children, the kitchen and dining room can be transformed into restaurant or hotel of sort.

21. Before buying any fruit juice, powdered or ready to drink, read the label. Be sure it does not contain aspartame or any artificial sugar. Before buying noodles or both mix, read the label of ingredients – be sure there is no MSG Monosodium Glutamate or vetsin.

22. Do not buy seeds and propagules of plants you are not familiar with; don’t be sold to the beautiful label. For all you know these plants are not suitable to local conditions. Consult local farmers or your nearest agriculturist.

23. Customer service is becoming more sophisticated. Customers are pampered, spoiled. More call centers, more waiters and sales ladies, bank tellers, nurses. Personalized service is part of red carpet treatment.

24. Be austere (austerity), be wise and cautious, trust your senses (not emotion and psyche) when buying anything. Packaging will not improve quality, increase value or guarantee your safety.

25. The reason for the series of lessons on food, agriculture, home gardening, pesticide-free vegetables and the like in Paaralang Bayan sa Himpapawid - is to bring into consciousness the reality of life that is simple, self-sufficient, healthy and happy – at our finger tips, at our command. Indeed it is liberation, the road to freedom from extreme consumerism which is the precursor of abusive capitalism.~

NOTE: Answers are True, except Nos. 5 and 23 (False)

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