Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Iloilo Airport - a harmony of building structure and nature

Iloilo Airport - a harmony of building structure and naturePhotos and Verse by Abe V Rotor

Interplay of light and shadow adds to pleasant ambiance; atrium of indigenous  plants makes an indoor greenery; ergonomic  lounging chairs designed for privacy and comfort. 
Floating ceiling allows sunlight and air to enter freely, with pivot mounting to allow independent movement from the main structure during earthquake.

Free hallway, no corridors, no cubicles; decors are just for accent.

Movable blinds control light and wind entering the building, combines western and oriental architecture.

Lattice above your head through the sky;
Glass panes to the tarmac's full view;
From end to end the hall flows through,
Relaxing you while waiting to fly.

Goodbye aircon, thick wall and heavy door,
Carpeted floor and dropped ceiling;
The sound of dungeon its echo resounding,
In musky air, all of these to endure.

For whoever brought nature into the hall,
Is genius, eighth sense his doctrine:
Cutting down cost and art's extreme.  
And the burden of a weary soul. 

Nature brings man back to the prime of life:
In simplicity and true beauty,
When air and sun and space are free;
Pleasance to life even in strife. ~

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