Sunday, September 25, 2011

Museum and Humanities (Painting and Poetry)

Dr Abe V Rotor

Sailing Vintas in acrylic by AVR

Release your hurt, loneliness and pride,
Each stroke, each line, a current
That takes you out for a pleasure ride
Away from the world a moment.

Ride on the wind, catch the passing breeze,
Surf to yonder and back at peace
Fresh to face life's challenge with ease,
All enshrined in a masterpiece.~

Poem and Painting by Dr. Abe V. Rotor

You are an artist,
you paint and mould life at its barest
On weathered rocks and ancient trunks,
or some forgotten crest and cliff,
that through seasons howl or sleep,
or cry like a beagle, or the chameleon
that mimics sunrise and sunset
with colors divine.
Bless you, pioneer of protolife,
Pathfinder of the bryophyte and the vine,
Precursor of forest primeval,
home of the eagle and fireflies,
Probing what good is rock if it loses
the essence where life rises.

Lend me your color

Red, red flower -
how lovely you are!
Lend me your color

that I too, shall shine,
under the sun
in the hearts of men
to a wonderful world
lovely and divine.

Rachel, model; photo by Nicole Paredes.

Poem & Painting by Dr. Abe V. Rotor

You lose your crown that you may gain
Freedom to reach out for the sky;
For the sun to bathe your whole being,
To raise the lowly where they lie.

The sky and ground now become one,
Renewing faith in new life to beam;
Rises the sun the prime mover all,
To flow through the living stream.

You litter the floor, keep in the rain,
Feed the microbes, the brute you tame,
Breaking the carbon back to its form,
And the genie for the next game.

Seasons may come and go, obedient
And humble are your ways untold;
Your old gene, it’s the key to loving
Your kin, and fighting the bold.

Against the wind and scanty rain;
The inner signal comes around
Ticking, then it comes, it is fall;
You have earned a bigger crown. ~


  1. I really love your paintings sir :) Especially the one you made in class when during the film showing of Forrest Gump :) -Erica Gagno 3ca3

  2. I also love your paintings sir !! I hope I also had that skills :) 3ca3 (Mechelle Faronilo)

  3. I thought before that painting requires expensive canvas, paint brushes and paints. I never really thought that with a piece of chip board and Boysen paint, you can create a beautiful piece of art.
    -Jeanne Ann Edillon (3CA3)
