Thursday, September 1, 2011

A Test in Photojournalism

Dr Abe V Rotor

Part 1: True or False (Write T or F before each question)

__1. Adjust shutter to B and mount camera on tripod when shooting night scenes – a busy street, Christmas lights, stars, constellation, etc.
__2. Today’s digital camera is more versatile, relatively cheaper, easier to operate – but not necessarily superior in quality - to film camera.
__3. Some digital cameras can used the lenses of film cameras, particularly SLRs.
__4. The most advanced digital cameras are made by Kodak.
__5.When a close up of flower is blurred, the subject is too close.
__6. Basketball player in air totally blurred – shutter speed is too slow.
__7. Sunny outdoor view is rough, with dot matrix like in “pointillism.” – ASA/ISO value too high.
__8. Photo is too light all over, no accent, clarity poor/ insufficient light, lens opening too small, or both.
__9. When having your picture taken, relax your shoulder and your face muscles will also relax.
__10. “Honey I Shrunk the Kids” and “Micro Safari” have one in common – micro photography.

___11. For best results there is no substitute to having a manual camera with semi-automatic system for photographic art – kahit digital camera pa.
__ 12 . When taking pictures, the rule is that the source of light must be at the back of the photographer.
___13. The lens opening of a camera is like the pupil of the human eye.
___14. Single lens reflex (SLR) means you are looking at the subject through the lens of the camera.
__ 15. Satellite imaging can detect weather disturbances, pollution; it can predict crop yield levels, and in fact even hideouts of terrorists.
___16. Satellite imaging is used in cartography, that is, the science of mapping the features of the earth.
__ 17. Deeper interpretation of contrast is in the subject of the photo, rather than interplay of light and shadow, colors and lines.
__18. The larger the lens opening the better is the depth of field.
__19. If the background is bright and your subjects are posed against it, what you can do to counteract glare is to use flash.
__20. Filters emphasize outlines, increases contrast of light and shadow, warm and cool and colors. It is also used in silhouette photography.

__21. Light microscope reveals the world of microorganisms – countless of them in a single drop of water.
__22. Electron microscopy produces photographs of extremely small objects up to 5,000 times in a myriad of colors like a rainbow.
__23. Radio telescope enables the human eye to see very far objects like stars using the same principle of lens telescope.
__24. One area of photography that enables us to see fast moving objects normally invisible to the eye is through slow motion photography.
__25. The aura emitted by our body is visible through photography.
__26. Photography brings to the eyes of the world good things to appreciate, and evil things to correct.
__27. Photojournalism is a risky profession, like other media men, they risk their lives. In fact the Philippines has the most number of fatalities among media men, second to Iraq.
__28. War is the arena of photography – war against poverty, graft and corruption, environmental degradation, diseases, ignorance, terrorism, and the like.
__29. Yet photography offers the newest, most modern, technologically advanced, now popularized to be enjoyed by millions of people everyday.
__30. Photography is the extension of our eyes and other senses, in fact our intellect, our feeling and our soul.~

__31. A famous photograph – a naked young girl, her body burned by napalm (Orange Agent) running along a highway with other children, while soldiers simply didn’t mind, was taken during the recent Iraq war.
__32. A lone man standing in front of a column of tanks was taken during the Vietnam war. The photo freezes the action as if the man succeeded in his suicidal act.
__33. Today, photography – from shooting to printing - can be done in a home studio, and therefore offers a good business opportunity. In fact documentaries and short movies can be done.
__34. Composition is the key to telling a story, be it a painting, a poem, a novel – or a photograph.
__35. The elements of art – are also the elements of photography.
__36. Foreshortened effect is shown on traffic signs written on the highway.
__37. 400 ASA/ISO/DIN film is more sensitive than 100 ASA/ISO/DIN film, in the same way as 4 megapixels is more sensitive than say, 2 megapixels.
__38. As the number increases - 30, 60, 100, 250, 500, 1000 – it means the shutter mechanism proportionately slows down or decreases speed.
__39. Here are three ways to improve your photo when lighting is poor: use tripod, use flash, increase ASA or DIN – in any combination, or all of them at the same time.
__40. You can get multiple exposures in a single shot of fireworks even without a tripod.

__41. The opening of a flower bud step by step is recorded by means of time lapse photography, a technique that compresses time to enable the eye to witness the event in a short time frame.
__42. Buildings appear in concentric circle converging at the top if you use fisheye lens.
__43.When using a wide angle lens for a group photo, those on the sides appear to be very thin while those at the center are fat.
__44. Telezoom lenses extend the view, compressing distance, thus they are used in war zones.
__45.Allow the pupil of the eye to narrow down by sending a series of faint flashes before the real flash is made. This is to prevent red eye in the photograph.
_ 46. With the state-of-the-art digital photography, a poorly taken photo can be edited anyway - so, why worry?
__47. Black and white photos are simpler to process and print than color photographs.
__48. The computer is equipped with a software to correct blurred, burned, incomplete and misaligned photos to appear normal.
__ 49. As a rule do not retouch a historical documentary photos; they are more authentic in their original state.
__ 50. It is easier to photograph emotions rather than features, because they come naturally, while you have to do a lot of script in the latter.

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