Monday, August 8, 2011

Part 1: All about Allergy - First of all, Avoid Allergy

Dr Abe V Rotor

A. Allergy-Friendly Exercise Program
1. Avoid exercise if you have an upper-respiratory viral infection.
2. Premedicate.
3. Drink plenty of fluids.
4. Perform warmup exercises.
5. Breathe through your nose.
6. Cool down.
7. Know your limits.
8. Avoid exercising near busy roads.
9. Judge exercise intensity with a “talk test”.
10. Slow down if you feel weak, dizzy.
11. Don a dust mask when necessary.
12. Stay inside during high-pollen days.

B. Allergy-Free Stress Busters
1. Biofeedback (internal memo)
2. Cognitive Reframing (handling an experience)
3. Guided Visualization (imagination)
4. Humor Therapy (healthy laugh)
5. Hypnosis (hypnotherapy)
6. Journaling (diary, autobiography, literary)
7. Massage, sauna
8. Social Involvement (clubs, parties)
9. Yoga, Tai-chi
10. The Humanities (drawing, singing, drama)
11. Meditation (prayer, communion with nature)
12. Proper grooming.

C. Clean Your Home Naturally
1. Instead of disinfectant, use borax (1 cup to 1 gal of warm water) or grapefruit seed extract (10%)
2. Instead of fabric softener, use ¼ cup of vinegar added to the rinse water.
3. Instead of furniture polish, use olive oil with 1 tbsp vinegar poured in 1 liter of warm water. Keep in spray bottle.
4. Instead of glass cleaner, use ½ cup vinegar mixed with 1 gal warm water, place in spray bottle.
5. Borax instead of laundry whitener; Baking powder on sponge instead of scouring powder;
6. Hydrogen peroxide as stain remover; borax + vinegar as toilet bowl cleaner.

Sick Building Syndrome (Things to be done)
1. Install proper air-con and exhaust fans corresponding to the number people, and nature of work.
2. Avoid blocking the air supply and return vents.
3. Clean up water spills and damp places to get rid of molds.
4. Store food properly, and empty the garbage daily.
5. Observe if symptoms are experienced by co-workers, other occupants, visitors.
6. Check equipment and supplies – they may be the source of irritating odor and fumes.
7. Strictly no smoking allowed.
8. Divide area into independent units – office, manufacturing, kitchen or storeroom.
9. Report problem to concerned persons/authorities.

D. Allergy-Free Travel
1. Detect kind and source of pollen
2. Learn the lingo to describe your allergies
3. Ensure you are insured
4. Get checked up before traveling.
5. Bring medicine with you; bring mask, too
6. Clean the car of allergens.
7. Check before you sign in for your lodging; stay in non-smoking quarters.
8. Drive off-hours (less allergens).
9. Pack own food, if you are sensitive to eating any kind.
10. Be a happy camper; stay safe in the sun.
11. Stick to your routine/itenerary.
12. Know the doctor or clinic in the area.

The Major Players in the Workplace
1. Asthma - As the sawmill operator slices the tree trunk into boards amid a shower of sawdust, he feels the familiar chest tightness of an approaching asthma attack.(10% asthma cases worldwide linked to workplace)

2. Skin Problems – After the hairdresser gives yet another permanent to a customer, her itchy, burning hands start to give her fits. (occupational skin diseases account for up to 20% of all reported work-related diseases)

3. Allergic Rhinitis – the graduate student sneezes as she looks through itchy eyes at the laboratory rats in cages surrounding her. Better known as hay fever, AR strikes with symptoms like runny nose and congestion, sneezing, itchy watery eyes, triggered by allergens like perfumes, fumes, dusts, chemicals, and many more linked with the workplace.

A guide to deal with allergies -

1. How do you differentiate Common Cold from Allergy Rhinitis?
  • Duration: Colds - 3 to 5 days (rarely more than 10); Allergy Rhinitis - 2 to 3 weeks (or more)
  • Nose Symptoms: Colds - colored or cloudy discharge, stuffiness; Allergy Rhinitis – clear, water-like discharge, sneezing and itchiness.
  • Other Symptoms: Colds – sore throat, fever; Allergic Rhinitis – red, itchy eyes
2. Sources and causes of allergy
  • Allergy on seafoods in common noticeably exhibited by sudden reddening of the face and other parts of the body, accompanied by increased blood pressures, pulse rate and other symptoms.
  • Allergy on seafoods in common noticeably exhibited by sudden reddening of the face and other parts of the body, accompanied by increased blood pressures, pulse rate and other symptoms.
  • Pollen allergy is most common during the months of October to December, the flowering period of Cereals (Family Poaceae) Staminate flower of corn, Zea mays
  • Nearly microscopic in size, plant lice (Psylla) form colonies so huge they can destroyed entire plantations of ipil-ipil. Allergic reactions have been reported from their skin castings. The nymphal stage is completed after four to five moultings.
3. Mystery of the Marble Dust
  • Marble is metamorphic limestone
  • It has a natural finish; it is durable, hard and brittle.
  • When ground and polish dusts fill the air, and reach the lungs even through aircon.
  • Under the microscope, marble dust is a miniature abrasive particle.
  • It hurts the lungs and being Calcium compound, “cake” in the alveoli and tracheal linings,
  • Allergy symptoms may start as allergy rhinitis, often mistaken as bronchitis and asthma attack.
  • Marble dusts collector and wet process of grinding.
  • Use mask, refrain from exposure.
4. A short list of causes of Allergies
  • Drug
  • Dust Mites, Roaches and Other Insect Allergies
  • Food allergies and intolerances
  • Hay Fever
  • Latex
  • Mold
  • Nickel
  • Pet
  • Physical
  • Poison Plants
  • Stinging and Biting Insects
  • Sinusitis
Common Allergic Symptoms
  • Runny Nose and Sneezing
  • Coughing and Wheezing
  • Skin Problems
  • Eye Problems
  • Ear Problems
  • Other Symptoms
B. Hidden Allergy Connection
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
  • Candidiasis
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Depression
  • Headaches
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
5. Obesity-Allergy Connection
Which come first? Chicken-or-egg question.
  • Smaller airways
  • Shallower breathing
  • More time indoors
  • Stomach problems
6. Easing Childhood Eczema
  • Avoidance of the following:
  • Dust mites, pollen, and certain foods.
  • Certain non-allergic irritants such as soaps, wool, synthetic fabrics, or other clothing can make already developed dermatitis.
  • Overheating and sweating.
  • Creams and ointments
  • Scratching
7. Potential allergy-provoking problems the garage and workshop
  • Start the engines outside.
  • Ditch your damp possessions.
  • Store chemicals safely.
  • Moldy rags on the floor
  • Old chemicals stored on table
  • Paint can not closed tightly
  • Car engine should not be left running in garage
  • Room should have a window or exhaust fan
  • Tools should be cleaned outside or in an area with good ventilation

•Ansorge R and E Metcalf et al (2001) Allergy Free Naturally Rodale Inc NY, 532 pp
•Hampton JK (1991) The Biology of Human Aging, Wm C Brown Publishers 343 pp
•Jacobson E (1964) You Must Relax, McGraw-Hill 270 pp
•Rotor AB (1983) The Men Who Play God: A Collection of Yen Short Stories Ateneo de Manila University Press 147 pp
•Rotor AV (2003) The Living with Nature Handbook. UST Publishing House 210 pp
•Rotor A V (2007) Living With Nature in Our Times, UST Publishing House 318 pp.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you very much Sir for all the helpful tips you are posting here on your blog. These things will sure come in handy in times of needs.
    -Kym Manuel
