Sunday, August 21, 2011

Poetry - Escape from Prometheus Land

Dr Abe V Rotor

Little do you know of the sun,
how it sets and rises,
As the rhythms of life in moments of joy
and sadness.
Lo, the li’l boy all day sings like Aesops’
fabled locust;
In summer belittles the ant,
and what had he to boast?

The rains came, torrid the winds became,
dark was the night.
And groping he went his way, battling
with all his might.
But he was not Paul and neither was he
man enough
To weather the test, a game played
rough and tough.

The wind with the sail, they go like birds
gliding free,
And life is like that, wanting of nothing
on calm, old sea,
Like a tree untested by storm, its idle roots
are shallow,
Its branches are lanky, its unseasoned limbs

What purpose is war then, El NiƱo,
the apocalypse men?
Darwin has the answer, but can man
break the omen?
Tolstoy and Hugo tell of the goodness
of man distilled,
Not in time of plenty and peace,
but in the battlefield.

If you wish to reach Heaven alone,
do not bother,
For the Flood has purified your kind,
everyone now a brother.
And salvation awaits all brethrens,
more so the least,
And bless he who saves him from the fury
of the beast.

Go, leave the dungeon, follow the light
seeping through
The walls of ignorance and fear,
indifference and hate.
Pry open and run for the woods.
make haste.
There is not enough tears and time
to waste.

Ah, where does the sun shine brightest,
you no longer ask,
Neither where the blue sky and the blue sea
wear gray mask.
From Prometheus’ exile you came
and how you got here
Is immaterial now, for the gods
have joined the cheer.

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