Monday, July 11, 2011


Dr. Abe V. Rotor

Calatagan, Batangas

Happy are they
from day to day
ensconced under a roof,
the family's a proof.

Lest they forget the seed,
weaned for its need,
must draw out its best
through the Sower's test.

- AV Rotor, Light in the Woods

NOTE: This verse is dedicated to today's gospel, Parable of the Sower. The interpretation of the parable applies to the current situation of a runaway population growth, and inability of society to provide the basic necessities of living. Children who, like the seed sown on fertile soil and given the needed love and attention, become good citizens and succeed well in life.

The first two cases - seeds that fell on the roadside and were eaten by birds, and the seeds that fell among rocks with very little soil - tell us of high mortality rates among the unborn. infants and childen. The third scenario - seeds that grew among weeds - warns us of today's diversion with the evils of society, the difficulties of living as a result of socio-economic failure, and ineffective governance.

The parable pertains originally to faith and was intended to call the faithful that it is in fertile soil that faith grows and nourishes, unshakable and enduring. Those of little faith are likened to seeds that were wasted, seeds that grew but did not produce good yield.

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