Thursday, June 23, 2011

Ten Verses by a Pond

Dr. Abe V. Rotor

Nymphaea lilies crowd a receding pond, detail of mural, AVR 2010

1. Cheered with praises aflame,
Grieved by the slightest blame.

2. Stone grows in age in a cave or on some peak;
Clear is its message even if it can’t speak.

3. The Pyramids – a triumph in architecture,
But not without the genius of nature.

4. Who grows two measures where there was one,
Is a pride of mankind, a model son,

5. Childhood is ephemeral like a dream;
As if only yesterday as it may seem.

6. A star shines wherever a seed is sown,
Shining best when it is lovely grown.

7. I watched a dove passing by, its song I heard;
It dropped a feather like a flag unfurled.

8. Kindness, however so small,
Is never, never wasted at all.

9. Unless cut and polished, a stone is stone,
Like a gene lying deep, unknown, alone,

10. John Milton in his blindness saw the world,
wrote Paradise Regained and wasn't alone.

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