Saturday, April 9, 2011

Earthworm, the Secret of Green Thumb

Abe V Rotor

Giant earthworm and castings around its burrow. UST Manila

A lazy farmer I’m, lazy is the word,

When every one is busy in this world.

Among them a degenerate annelid,
That does nothing all day but dig.

In the night gleans the lawn of waste
And grinds it into organic paste.

That nourishes all that lives around
And me always on the run.

With no time to farm, yet a farmer;
I’m Rip Van Winkle’s brother.

For I rely on the lightning and rain
That make the field green and golden.

Seasons to fallow the fields in summer
Then wake them up from slumber.

The bees that make flowers into fruits,
The Rhizobium feeding the roots.

The yeast that makes the finest brew,
The rainbow’s promise in its view.

The sun, the source of light and life
That unburdens a farmer’s strife.

And the earthworm, my farmhand
Takes over below the ground.

A lazy farmer I’m, lazy is the word,
When every one is busy in this world.

And if my freinds call me, Green Thumb
It’s the earthworm, true and dumb. ~

Living with Nature, AVR

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