Thursday, March 24, 2011

Tranquil Volcano

Abe V. Rotor
This is our 1,770th post

Lesson: Writing a verse about a scenery.

The verse does not actually describe the scene or event. But it is a philosophical interpretation of an inner force likened to a volcano, a crest of a wave, or a rose - akin to the great inner force in the human being. Try writing an interpretative verse while looking at a picture of a scenery or event.

Mayon Volcano and the ruins of Cagsawa Church Belfry. The church remains buried with the faithful that sought refuge from a violent eruption in the 18th century when the Philippines was then a colony of Spain. Photo taken by the author in 1978

Tranquility reigns on her face, rage in her breast,
If beauty exudes best from a spring of force,
I do not wonder at the shyness of a crest,
And the power of a single rose.

Living with Nature, AVR

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