Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Plant Extract Pesticides

Neem tree

Abe V Rotor

A. Makabuhay and Neem tree extracts are effective in control cockroach (Periplaneta Americana)
This is the finding of Tenorio RW, Nudo L, Roxas R and AC Uichanco from the UST Faculty of Pharmacy, based on the claims of old folks.

Makabuhay (Tinospora rhumphii) is a liana that grows in the wild. Previous experiments proved that its extract is effective in controlling common rice insect pest and the golden kuhol. Could it be effective in controlling the tough and elusive cockroach?

The same question was raised on Neem (Aziderachta asiatica), known as insecticide tree that was introduced into the country from India in the sixties. According to the researchers, extracts of both plants proved effective as direct spray on cockroach. Comparative effectiveness showed that the diluted extract of makabuhay gave a higher mortality that the pure extract, indicating the synergistic effect of water solvent, but only for makabuhay. Neem extract at low level dilution is more effective than that of makabuhay at the same level. While synthetic chemical sprays are more effective than these herbal extracts, the advantage of the latter is their being safe to humans and the environment and does not leave toxic residues.

B. Poison from the Seed of Botong (Barringtona asiatica) is used on rats.
If botong (Barringtona asiatica) is effective as fish poison, could it be effective as rat poison just as well? The researchers found it to be effective, but the problem to lure the rodents to eating the bait is a problem. This is because of the shy nature of rats and their oliphagous characteristic that is they eat a wide range of food under natural field condition. When starved rats may consume any available food and this may include poison baits. The advantage of using plant poison is its safe nature to humans and the environment. Presently used compounds include arsenicals, anticoagulants under the brand names Dethmor, Racumin, Dora, and the deadly “1081” a zinc phosphide compound which is now banned in the market. (Perez R, Dela Cruz K, Rivera M and J Santos, UST 2002)

C. Fish poison from the Seed of Botong (Barringtona asiatica)
This is the rational of the experiment: Is there a safer compound than synthetic pesticides to clean up fishponds in order to eliminate fish predators at seeding time? It is a known practice among fishpond owners to use Malathion, Endrin, and other chlorinated hydrocarbon, as well as phosphate compounds to eliminate fish such as tilapia, dalag, and Poecillia after harvesting a fishpond. These remaining fish pose danger as predator of bangus fries raised in the next season. The researchers found out that the extract of botong seeds (Barringtona asiatica) is an effective substitute. Like other plant extract, it is environment friendly and leaves non-toxic residue to the incoming fries and fingerlings. (Dequina MJ, Castro JC, Limtin R and J Patawaran, UST 2002)


  1. Artificial Pesticides are very dangerous to the human health and the environment. That's why plant extract pesticides are more acceptable. It may not be as effective as those of the artificial ones, but at least it is safe to use, it is environment-friendly and probably it does not cost as expensive as the artificial ones.

  2. It is a relief to know that there are plant substitutes, meaning natural sources of pesticides that are organic, meaning they won’t terrorize the ecosystem. And at the same time, they are cheaper alternatives to imported industrial grades insecticides that are both harmful and destructive. I am really amazed at how Filipinos make use of herbal substitutes of things that are integral to their way of living. Though some are conscious enough to do the herbal way to save the environment, majority sees them as a low-cost substitute.
    Anyhow, I see the potential in this industry if this will be more developed and commercialized in the suburbs. I know it works in the rural area where farmers make use of readily available Makabuhay and Botong to combat roaches and rats who feast on their palay and corn crops and even the kuhols (snails) that devour the leaves and the stems. Imagine if the herbal cockroach pesticide becomes a hit and sold on supermarkets? Natural insectice, sounds good right?
