Sunday, February 20, 2011

Filipinos take pride in their ancestral culture

 Filipinos take pride in their ancestral culture
Dr Abe V Rotor

First of all, the Philippines even in olden times had a culture our race proudly enjoyed and shared with our neighbors. Perhaps there were as many influences the Philippines had on neighboring lands as they had on us.

Filipinos wearing Badjao costume

In the course of history the Philippines became a center of confluence – from culture to science, agriculture to industry, government to nationhood - which we enjoy today. This makes our country one of the most loved countries in the world, and the doyen among Asians. Our country is perhaps the model of cultural and biological diversity, the key to today’s trend in globalization.

The Filipino culture in the past was valued and developed even before the colonizers. The rich culture of Philippine forefathers is evident in their social classes, home, manner of dressing, body accessories, education, music and dance, science, arts and literature, even their way to courtship and marriage, burial and mourning. Filipino forefathers valued education. The early Filipinos in the past had their own beliefs and ways of burying the dead, mourning and getting married.

Early Filipinos were hospitable. This was shown in situations like receiving guests and strangers. They offered the visitors food an entertainment. They were also conscious of cleanliness. They took a bath daily in the river. They cleaned their teeth with fruits. They used perfumes for their bodies. They put "gugo" in their hair. Even their houses were kept clean and orderly.

Early Filipinos were trustworthy and honest. They paid their debts on time. Likewise, they kept their promises.

The Philippines in contemporary society Рa m̩lange of influences

Many countries shared with us many beautiful things about their culture as the world became more and more accessible by communication and transportation. All corners of the world today have been brought together into a global village, and the Philippines has tremendous impact in this social transformation. This time it is not only a one-way direction of change or a relationship designed in favor of one in expense of the other. Here in this present global trend is a homogenization of all aspects of life.

The Philippines can be felt and seen – admired and awed - in the many expressions of everyday life in all parts of the world. And in the US, India, Middle East, Europe, and Asia, where once upon a time gave us imprints of their culture. For which we can only say, there is only one universal culture that binds humanity. ~


  1. Take pride in the Filipino culture and all the influences that we had over time. If it wasn't for them, we wouldn't be who we Filipinos are today.

  2. No matter how ubiquitous the Filipinos are all over the world, the
    characteristic of being “hospitable” is still carried on by us no matter how
    influenced we are by other cultures, other countries and other religions. We are
    still able to pass this unique kind of characteristic to the generation. Because
    of this, we are also able to influence other countries and are able to lure them
    to visit and love our country. Because of this, the number of our tourists
    increased thus making our economic statistic incline. Continuing the Filipino
    culture that was started by our forefathers is a great way of making become more
    aware and appreciate the culture that we have.

    Though we were able to carry on the good characteristic of a Filipino as
    “hospitable”, the characteristic of being “trustworthy” and “honest”, to be
    honest, greatly diminished. Filipinos of today have mastered the art of lying
    especially when it comes to our government. The image of today’s politics and
    politicians became bloody, dirty and corrupted. Today, we are greatly influenced
    by foreign countries which is one reason for the decline of the economic status
    of our local entrepreneurs. Continuing the Filipino tradition and culture is one
    way of luring Filipinos to the beauty that this country have.
