Saturday, January 1, 2011

Part 2: In Search of the Pierian Spring

A flock of doves at Rizal Park

Abe V Rotor

11. True beauty lasts but so brief to hold,
Beautiful and elusive to behold.
She may gain all the eyes in the world,
Yet all alone she stands to be awed.

12. Discovery uncovers
A thousand-and-one truth,
Jolts the cynic and believers
While it tames the brute.

13. Sundrops, splash of a melting sun;
Dewdrops, quenched thirst of the night;
Raindrops, new life after drought;
Teardrops, the mightiest might.

14. Spike, spine, thorn, and the like,
Menacing to a would-be predator;
Beneath the petals of a beautiful rose
Lies the test of an ardent suitor.

15. Babies all, including mine,
Are nursed to become strong;
But it is the nursery rhyme
That makes them kind.

16. Pain, the root of suffering
Bodily that is, yet deepest its roots are
In the psyche of the mind
Of years behind.

17. Healing, by touch or potion,
Or in their union: I trust the hand,
Its sleight, and the warmth
Of words you need not understand.

18. Memories about a child becoming man -
Man’s wanderings and return to reality;
With age he looks back at the ideal,
Not in its pursuit but its treasured peace.

19. And birdsong the sweetest sound by day; the night greets
The fiddler on the ground as dawn slowly creeps.
The classroom is the world where the mind is free to explore,
Where the soul finds accord with blessings to implore.

20. Birth and death, youth and age,
They follow each of us, stage by stage,
Through pleasure and ease, joy and sorrow,
And link today and tomorrow.

Home, Sweet Home with Nature, AVR

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