Monday, January 10, 2011

Painting Dreams

Dr Abe V Rotor
Award winning entry on Painting Dreams, by Leo Carlo Rotor, 12 (2001)

There was once a girl on a meadow
gathering wild flowers for the rainbow,
matching their colors to the tiniest hue
whereupon a shower made them glow.

There was once a boy with new shoes,
down the street he went, heralding the news
with everything dissolving in a hazy view,
whereupon he rode down the avenue.

There was an old man walking with a cane;
he saw the girl with flowers in her hair,
he saw the boy whistling down the lane,
and asked where go they beyond their lair.

I don't know, said she; neither I, said he,
the world is wide why bother where we'll be;
'til the winds blew and the flowers faded,
and soon and far enough the road ended.

And the old man walked on, and on,
at his feet lay flowers strewn on the road,
and saw footsteps barely to the sight shone
in the sunset draped by a holy shroud.

And this the children painted in kaleidoscope
in versions a thousand thoughts blend;
their dreams do make for what they hope
lest pride makes that hope in despair end. ~

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