Saturday, November 27, 2010


Rampage, acrylic AVR 2008

Abe V Rotor

When there's danger and you're on its path,
Make haste, stand aside;
Or stay firm for others' sake, be tough;
Act not in your own pride.

When silent the throng with doubt caressed,
Rise, rise up to the fore;
And say your piece, until follow all the rest
To the edge of the shore.

When in doldrums idle in storm cast,
And sweet death comes too close;
Raise the mast, the helm by the horn you must
Stir, there's no other choice.

When too soft and lonely at times the heart,
Or when it is of wood;
Leave others not, theirs also your part,
Stay put and behold.

When the trip is done and now the prize
Is won, sing a hymn;
His gifts truly aren’t in vain, arise;
Let the sunshine in. ~

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