Sunday, October 3, 2010

Part 3: Ensure your family with allergy-free foods

Dr Abe V Rotor

Are you sure your favorite foods have no allergic effect to you and your family? When going to market and cooking, review your list of allergy-free diet. Always keep an eye on allergy symptoms.
  1. Remove allergy-provoking items from the food cabinet.
  2. Carry a list of allergy-provoking items when shopping or eating outside.
  3. Remember the most allergenic of all food items is milk, so with its many products like cheese.
  4. The most allergenic food plant is peanut. Peanut may also carry aflatoxin produced by a fungus that grows on damaged and poorly dried peanut.
  5. Avoid foods loaded with preservatives (salitre in tocino, benzoic acid, glacial acetic acid)
  6. There are seafoods some members of your family may be sensitive, among them are tahong (green mussels), crustaceans, tulingan and tanggigi fish.
  7. Decaffeinated coffee, magic sugar (aspartame), fatless fat (Olestra) are known to trigger allergy and asthma. Bromate in wheat flour and sulfite in white sugar are also culprits.
  8. Limit intake of fatty acids, saturated fats, and the like.
  9. Reduce if not avoid alcoholic drinks. Limit your coffee, tea and chocolate. beverages.
  10. Poultry meat and eggs may trigger allergy in some people, so with other meat.
  11. Raw honey carries pollen. It's the pollen that triggers allergy and asthma. Too much sugar should also be avoided.
  12. These are generally allergy-fighting foods: fruits and vegetables, Magnesium-rich foods (spinach, cashew, beans), Zinc-rich food (oysters, lentils, legumes, yoghurt)
  13. Use vegetable oil instead of animal fat. Coconut oil is one of the safest vegetable oils.
  14. Avoid commercial food seasoning. It's better to use natural spices like ginger, onions, garlic, black pepper and the like.
  15. Foods from algae (Spirulina, Chlorella, Porphyra) are generally safe, but not foods from fungi (mushroom, Ganoderma, tainga ng daga or Auricularia)

Your lifestyle influences allergy and asthma. For example dehydration triggers allergy and asthma. So with extreme hunger. Sudden exposure to heat and cold is bad. Don't stay under the sun too long. Talk with your family doctor about allergy and asthma. Have a regular medical checkup.

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