Sunday, September 26, 2010

Humanities and Communications: Effective Writing Guidelines

Humanities and Communications: Effective Writing Guidelines

Dr Abe V Rotor
  1. Think first, then write
  2. Get to the point
  3. Omit verbal deadwood
  4. Use familiar words
  5. Keep your sentences short
  6. Shorten your paragraphs
  7. Use specific, concrete language
  8. Prefer the simple to the complex
  9. Be positive
  10. Use the active voice
  11. Write as you talk
  12. Use adjectives sparingly
  13. Revise and sharpen
  14. Write to express, not to impress
  15. Odds and ends
NOTE: The Lord’s Prayer contains only 57 words;
Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address is
less than two pages.

1 comment:

  1. This entry is very useful for writers and aspiring writers. Especially for those who publish their works. These guidelines are quite simple, but if followed, would make a lot of difference.

    I specifically like the 14th guideline, which is "write to express, not to impress". This is because, a lot of people seemed to have forgotten the real purpose of why we write. It is mainly to communicate and get the message across, not to gain fans and followers.

    - Paola Jenine Alvare
