Sunday, July 18, 2010

Baribari’ : In Deference to the Spirits

Say bari-bari to appease the spirits of the place.

Abe V Rotor

Tudo ken init
Agparruar iti igges,
Rasut ti kalgaw.
Raining while the sun is up breeds insects. (This condition wakes the aestivating insects in summer.)

Sabali nga parsua.
Reverent expression to let a person pass through a thicket to appease the spirits guarding the place. (tabi-tabi, in Tagalog)

Aglawlaw pan-aw,
Saanmonto’t araduen.
Subliamto laeng.
Why farm a cogonal land when you can harvest the grass later? (Cogon grass is good for roofing or thatching)

Singin nga saba,
Singin met anakenna,
No mamatika.
Eat twin bananas if you want to give birth to twins. (A superstitious belief.)

Awan makitam,
angot langka agtaud
Uneg daga.
Jackfruit or nangka may bear fruits underground. (It's true. You can detect it by the aroma of the ripening fruit, and the earth mound under the tree.)

Buok ti mais
maanger ket inumen,
Bato marunaw.
Corn silk dissolves kidney stones. (An old herbal cure with scientific basis.)

Pagsinaem pay
sakbay nga aramatem.
Kuna ti Intsik
You can't use a pair of chopsticks unless you separate it. (a riddle and tool in teaching values)

Lulukisen no
Orange with indented bottom is sweeter than one with plain or protruding bottom. (Why don't you find it out yourself?)

Marsaba, asin
ti mangpaluom.
A conceiving mother craves for sour and ripening fruits . (It's a physiologic response of many would-be mothers. Such natural response enhances nutrition for both mother and child.)
Trivia: Salt hastens ripening of fruits, just rub it on the cut stem.

Aglati daras,
Ka-uy-uyos nga dagum,
No mumalmalem.
Sewing needle not in use will finally rust. (Figuratively, lost opportunity, lost investment, lost time, and the like)

Akasem amin,
Don't gather all the eggs from the nest of a laying hen. It's likely that she will abandon her nest. Just leave one or two eggs. There are hens though that know simple arithmetic.)

Home, Sweet Home with Nature, AVR

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