Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Discurso de Apertura UST Quadricentennial Schoolyear 2010-2011

Monument of the founder, Fr Miguel de Benavides.
Background is the main building of the university.

The University of Santo Tomas formally opened the schoolyear 2010-2011 with a mass of the Holy Spirit, followed by the traditional Discurso de Apertura delivered by by Atty Nilo Divina, dean of Civil Law. The schoolyear coincides with the 400th anniversary of UST, the oldest university in Asia founded in 1611 by Rev Fr Miguel de Benavides, and granted Pontifical University by the Vatican.

Here is the gist of Dean Divina's message to the faculty, staff and students of the university.

  1. Start with a dream, and dream big. (citing Albert Einstein, man of the 2oth century)
  2. Work hard (citing Thomas Edison, the indefatigable American inventor of the incandescent lamp and 101 inventions)
  3. Rise from failures (citing Walt Disney, originator of Mickey Mouse and Disneyland, and Bill Gates, computer magnate)
  4. In all things you do, put the Imprimatur of Excellence as your Signature.
  5. Passion for excellence applies to all - excellence with moral values, and taking a moral stand when needed.
Be Role Models. Yes, we can! (citing US president Obama's credo)

Lesson on Paaralang Bayan sa Himpapawid, AVRotor June 15, 2010,

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