Thursday, May 27, 2010

Part 1: Types of Communication

Communication at the Grassroots
Farmers' Museum, NFA Cabanatuan - pride of farmers.

Abe V Rotor

We communicate all the time, and in all places, by different means, many of which are beyond our consciousness. Go through this list and find out how effective you are in communications,in both ways- decoding and encoding.

1. Nonvocal Communication
• Signals – ex. Scream for help
• Signs – ex. Badge of a policeman
• Symbols – ex. Totem pole, wedding ring
• Icons – groups of unrelated symbols, ex. Funeral ceremony, White House, Impressionistic painting
• Gestures – ex. body language (kinesthetics)
• Proxemics – ex. Head not higher that the king’s (King and I), Don’t touch the head of a person, eating ahead of other members in a family or clan.

2. Vocal Communication (Nonvocal may be verbalized or vocalized, but can stand by themselves, or accompanied by other nonvocal means)
• Origin of Speech
1. Building blocks of spoken language
2. Postulate primitive men’s speech
3. Vocalization of physical activity
4. Imitation of the sound of nature
5. Mere serendipity (happy or interesting discoveries unexpectedly or by accident)
• Language reflects culture – Ex. Eskimo describe blubber in various states
• Language a phenomenon to transact types of discourse – informative, dynamic, emotive, aesthetics functions
• Laughter as a language, so with grief – associated with group feelings, cry for rebellion
• Represents apex of physical and intellectual evolution. Sounds of nature in songs, communicate with animals, mimicry of voices, ventriloquism, radio signals to contact extraterrestrial beings.

Improve your communication skills to cope up with life and to keep in touch with the world. ~

Living with Nature, UST-AVR

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