Saturday, May 8, 2010

Through the Mist of Time

Painting and Verse by Abe V Rotor

Through the mist we see children
Years back with many years lost;
Yet much is gained in memory
That holds the stories untold.

Who is fishing there? Ahoy!
Only the tingling chime answers;
The childhood in us throbs, throbs
With the sweet music of time.~

I have read it and it made me think of my memories in the past, especially my childhood days, It is said that there
there are many things left in the past, but all of it has millions of memories that we would treasure a lifetime.

Being a child is enjoyable but no one will remain a child, it will just be a memory.
Chiara Alyssa Cochico

Living with Nature in Our Times, UST-AVR

1 comment:

  1. what a beautiful painting sir Rotor and it made me think about my childhood as well, when i was a little boy i use to find adventure in everything i see it's like life is full of beautiful things and i never want play time to end
