Thursday, May 13, 2010

Self-Administered Test on Sociology (True or False, 25 items)

Abe V Rotor and Melly Tenorio
DZRB 738 KHzAM Paaralang Bayan sa Himpapawid
Monday to Friday, 8 to 9 evening class

1. Times are changing, so with values. There will come a time when what is taboo today will be morally acceptable tomorrow, so that media must prepare society for this eventuality.

2. Filipinos excel abroad because of their being part Filipino and part foreigner in blood.
3. Just to cite Filipino excellence we have distinctly coveted a Nobel prize.

4. Propaganda is actually guided media, that is, it is designed for evil or for good, often in disguise.

5. The European Union today has member-countries in both western and eastern Europe.

6. ASEAN and APEC, if combined in their present structures and functions, make an EU in Asia.

7. We are prisoners of our genes, and therefore must accept our fate.

8. The church is changing its stand on birth control; it now liberal with contraceptive pills.

9. Urbanization and industrialization go hand in hand like a couple.

10. Industrialization based on agriculture is a good model for developing countries.

11. Women’s liberation started in socialist countries, because of the principle of equality.

12. Homo sapiens arrived on the evening of December 30, if we compare the calendar with the geologic history of our planet.

13. The Car is no longer a luxury today; it is a must to modern living.

14. The so-called Cold War which lasted for nearly 50 years was characterized by polarization of countries into three worlds: democratic, socialistic, neutral.

15. Nationalism and globalization are compatible. You can be a citizen of the Philippines and citizen of the world.

16. Genetic engineering makes human cloning possible, so that it promises the perfection of the human being.

17. All over the world countries are advocating for divorce, because this is the real solution to the worsening problems confronting the family.

18. Suicide is precipitated by depression. No one would simply want to end up a good life.

19. The rate of suicide is higher in less progressive countries because of poverty.

20. Acculturation is all right, as long as the ethnic communities are integrated into the main stream of society.

21. Agriculture and ecology are in conflict when it comes to the preservation of the natural environment such as the wildlife.

22. Social stratification is transitional. Poor people, when they get proper education, can avail of the same opportunities in life.

23. Test tube baby, surrogate motherhood, artificial insemination – they go altogether in a package of technology and business.

24. Man and woman have the same intelligence, emotion, and physiology – biologically speaking.
25. It is all about design. In today’s world, designs tend to be no more aesthetic than functional.

Answers will be posted in a week's time.

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