Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Local Industries Series 1 - Pottery

Photos by Cecille R Rotor

Pottery is an important livelihood in many parts of the Philippines. It is perhaps the oldest serendipity of primitive man after he learned the use of fire as attested by artifacts all over the world. No one knows who, when and where pottery started. It is a manifestation of the universal mental faculty of man to invent and discover independently. This includes the bow and arrow, sled and wheel, the common pattern of dwellings, and the like. The golden age of pottery however is in China. In fact the finest pottery materials are called China. Today it is an art on the highest form. At the grassroots however, pottery supplies the needs of the kitchen, garden, decors, and the like. Bacnotan, La Union.

Living with Nature 3, AVR

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