Sunday, March 7, 2010

Thai Food - Unique, Irresistible

Abe V Rotor

Fish fillet in banana leaf, topped with sauce and chili.

Thai tamales, white meat wrapped with pandan leaf.

Thai barbecue with raw condiments.

Many like it steaming hot and real spicy.

Steamed bass with chili and kinthai

Thai food is spicy and filling. This soup is for one serving.

Thai food is served with fresh vegetables - fried rice noodle
with mungo spouts and and kuthai (Allium tuberosum).

A touch of Western food in a Thai restaurant.

Vegetables first before anything else. Or it goes with every serving.

Mango with whole grain glutinous rice on banana
leaf - a real tropical dessert.

Seaweeds as dessert? Why not!

Another dessert - melon on crushed ice and cream.

Typical Thai restaurant in Ayutthaya, the ancient city -
simple, clean, spacious, cordial and the food is superb.

Living with Nature 3, AVR

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