Sunday, March 21, 2010

The camera captures disturbing signs of our time.

Dr Abe V Rotor
Unedited photos with a digital pocket camera.

Photography reveals all - and if there is something, other than "death and tax," that we can't avoid in life, it is the camera.

Who cares? Values do not only conflict, they don't mean anything at all, as in this scene, typical in a number of places. What and where is law and order? Do prayers, the national anthem, homily, bayanihan, et al, mean anything? What and where is the Good Life?

This is a disturbing snapshot that speaks a thousand words. But a scene like this requires no words. Mother and child on the sidewalk begging, framed by hope. (Commonwealth corner Regalado Avenue, QC)

Instant swimming pool after a main water pipe burst. Delayed completion of repair gave a haven to these happy children who are unaware of danger and disease. E Rodriguez Ave and Araneta Ave., QC.

Smoke belching "nineteen forgotten" bus, rolls clandestinely
very early in the morning and late in the evening along
Commonwealth Ave., QC . Where have all the traffic officers
Apparently they are not around.

Global warming and smog create this eerie sunset view.
The air is thick and heavy. Acid rain builds on emitted
gases. CFCs continue destroy the ozone layer.

Fairview, Quezon City

Mobile human cage - full to the brim and packed
like sardines - rolls freely, carelessly, apparently
without regard to traffic rules, more so the extreme
danger to life and limbs. Mabalacat Pampanga.

Virtually everyone now carries a camera in his cell phone or hidden in his palm. At the corner, atop posts, inside offices and rooms are well hidden lenses watching everything within its view, with or without reason.Telephotos, zoom lenses respect no distance. Macro lenses reveal details a thousand times or more.

Move over gods and goddesses of Mt Olympus, satellite cameras can see all, hear all, even feel, taste and smell all. They make images of infrared at night, analyze the conditions of water and air, warn of a brewing storm, record humidity and temperature, diagnose a impending volcanic eruption, and many more.

Nanocameras on the other reveal the world of the minutiae, the root cause of our ailments, our private life brought to the open for doctors to analyze, and the public to know. With the camera, our intentions are revealed, our deeds known.

So with our future, in the near future. The camera, bow. ~

Light from the Old Arch 2, AVR

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