Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Home away from home

Abe V Rotor

Minh Tam, you are my home,
Across the ocean, through eons of time,
Home away from home;

For a week, you make it timeless;
A room you make for a hall,
An honor to a foreign soul.

I open my window on the third floor;
A tree greets me, its branches stir,
Birdsong sweetly I hear.

The sun weaves through its crown,
Quivers with the morning breeze,
I breathe the air in peace.

Beyond smog rises into a screen or veil,
Below bikes roar, perhaps a thousand,
Towers and chimneys stand.

I close my window, switch on the aircon,
Draw back the curtain, and soon
I am back to my old home.

Light from the Old Arch 2, AVR.

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