Sunday, March 14, 2010

Entomology Final Examination

Dr Abe V Rotor
University of Santo Tomas Graduate School

What insect is this? Describe its life cycle. If you were to
classify its order according to the phylogeny of hexapods,
where and how does it fit?

These are microscopic nymphs of Psylla, a pest of ipil-ipil.
Explain how the pest permanently destroyed plantations
of ipil-ipil in the sixties and seventies.

How is this insect beneficial to mankind and the environment.

Answer eight (8) of the following questions; include in your choice Nos. 1, 2 and 12.

1. Differentiate the following:

a. Paedogenesis from Parthenogenesis
d. Aestivation from Hibernation
b. Molting from Instar
e. Homoptera from Hemiptera
c. Holometabola from Ametabola
g. Most primitive vs most advance Order of insects
d. Shortest vs longest life span of insects
h. Colony of termites vs colony of migratory locusts

2. Present a scenario (itemized) if all insects in the world were eliminated.

3. Inbreeding is apparent in parthenogenetic organisms, which include many insects and planktonic organisms. This phenomenon is contrary to Darwinian principles of survival and evolution? How can these organisms cope up with this disadvantage?

4. Why is Bt corn controversial? On which side of the argument do you support? Explain.

5. “Stress predisposes an organism to shortened life cycle.” What is the background of this statement? Do you agree with it? What is its implication?

6. “Being small is a biological asset.” What is the rationale in the biological world? In the insect world?

7. Arthropods dominate the animal kingdom in diversity and number.
a. What are the common characteristics of Arthropods?
b. How are Arthropods classified? Describe each class, and cite common examples.

8. Many insects are called “living fossils?” Explain. What other organisms other than arthropods demonstrate this phenomenon? What enabled these organisms to defy the conventional rules of evolution?

9. What are the components of Integrated Pest Management? Briefly explain each.

10. Make a list of destructive insects (be specific) and the nature of damage they inflict, in common names. You may provide other important information

11. How do insects survive extreme conditions of the environment? During summer? Winter? Cite examples.

12. What are the 12 most important orders of insects? Briefly explain each and cite examples.

BONUS: Discuss the topics you listened on my radio program, School-on-Air, that are relevant to this subject or your course. What Blog titles about entomology have you opened and read?
To be submitted before 5 pm Wednesday, March 17, 2010 at the Graduate School, together with assigned projects and written assignments.

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