Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Requiem to a Tree

Abe V Rotor

Felled balite tree (Ficus benjamina), Lagro QC

Requiem to a Tree

Here you lie, fallen cold and dead;
Your requiem's the sound of feet and stone,
As mindless passersby just tread
On, gazing at the empty horizon.

"Oh heart, the bleeding drops of red!"

I had said this once - oh, how sad!
When my son died, and when you were felled;
And I'll say it again after the flood.~

Living with Nature 3, AVR (All Rights Reserved)

1 comment:

  1. Hi sir! I live next door to that tree. That tree was one of my childhood memories. We used to play under it, gives us shade whenever we play during noon. I surely miss that tree and my childhood friends who owns the house with the tree in it.
