Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Papait, Kalunay, Ngalog...dagiti atap a mulmula a mabalin a kanen wenno sidaen.

Some Wild Food Plants:  Kalunay, Ngalog...dagiti atap a mulmula a mabalin a kanen wenno sidaen

Dr Abe V Rotor

Wild ampalaya, eggplant, native patani and alukong (himbaba-o)

Ngalog or Portulaca


Fortunately Ilocano has remained vigorous and progressive. This is principally because of one distinct trait of the Ilocano - his loyalty to his language, and pride he carries with it as Ilocano. He carries it across the oceans and plant it in the community in which he is integrated. He is so regionalistic that he influences people around him, more than the other way around.

No only that, Ilokano is integrated with culture like horse and carriage. No language can best describe pinakbet, basi, Biag ni Lam-ang, Angalo, Apo Lakay, and a thousand-and-one indigenous terms that describe native practices and beliefs, historical places and events, heritage and values of this proud regional race.

This article and other articles in Ilokano which I wrote in this blog were inspired by Dr Nicholas L. Rosal, author of Understanding an Exotic Language - Ilokano (1982). His work explores the significance of the syntactical structures and grammatical forms of Ilokano, a language spoken by (more than) three million Filipinos and recognized among the eight Philippine languages amidst eighty-some dialects. I had the opportunity to visit Dr. Rosal many years ago in his residence in New Jersey where he and his family reside. Dr. Rosal taught graduate education courses at Seton Hall University, and became director of the Perth Amboy Adult Bilingual High School, one of its kind in New Jersey and elsewhere in the world.

I invite the Ilocano reader to interpret this article and share it with fellow Ilocanos and non-Ilocanos as well.

Adu dagiti atap a mulmula a mabalin a kanen wenno sidaen. Ammo da apongtayo daytoy.

Ti saluyot (Corchorus olitorius), gagangay laengen ta saanen a kas idi a dagiti laeng agtubo iti babaet dagiti mula a tarong ken kamatis ti tarayen a kettelen. Ita, addan dagiti agmulmula iti ilakoda.

Adda met dagiti mabalin a kanen a ganggannaet iti imatang wenno di ammo a kanen ti adu kadatayo ita. Kas pagarigan, ti nami (Dioscorea hispida) wenno karut. Makasabidong daytoy ngem ammo dagidi apongtayo nga ikkaten ti sabidongna sa lutuen (salapusopan) a kanenda.

Idi met panawen ti Maikadua a Gubat, napilitan dagiti tattao a mangan kadagiti dati a dida kankanen a kas iti bunel ti saba (nangruna ti balayang) ken magey tapno mapedped ti bisinda. Adda met dagiti mangmangan iti bunel ti wild taro wenno aba a paminduaenna ti tayag ti tao ti tayagan dagiti lupakna. Pispisienda daytoy sa lingtaenda iti mabayag tapno di makaulaw.

Kadagupan dagiti atap a mula a mabalin a kanen, adun ti dandani maungaw. Maigapu daytoy iti panangipamaysatayo iti panagpatanor kadagiti mula a gagangayen nga am-ammo dagiti aggatgatang, dagiti nakairuamanen ti dilatayo ti ramanda.

Ita, aglatlatak manen dagiti makmakan a kunkunada nga organic—saan laeng a ditoy Filipinas, no di pay ket iti ballasiw-taaw a kas idiay America— adu manen ti maibaw-ing ti imatangna kadagitoy a naipakpakanigid a mula. Kayat ngamin a liklikan ita dagiti tattao dagiti makmakan a narnek iti abuno ken pasuyot iti pestisidio, wenno dagiti mula a kunada a GMO (genetically modified organism).

Isu a makitkita manen kadagiti tiendaan dagiti lako a ngalog (Portulaca), dampalit, katuday, papait, kalunay wenno kuantong, balleba wenno ballaiba (Vallisneria), tartarabang, talinum, alugbati, kumpitis, rosil, gulasiman, atap a paria wenno ti aw-awaganda iti simmaron, ken alukon. Adda payen aglako iti bunga ti singkamas. Awan met ngata ti makitkitayo a mapaspasuyotan iti insektisidio a bunga ti singkamas, ania?
* * *
Okeyka, Apong!
Dagiti Tawid a Sirib ken Adal
Column of Dr Abercio Valdez Rotor, Ph.D.
Bannawag Magazine


  1. Wow, I guess this is the first Ilocano article in your blog.

  2. Hi Sir, I'm so glad that I found your blog. I would love to visit it again whenever I need to know the names of certain plants.

    Actually, I want to ask you if you know the name of this plant I found along the sidewalk in Makati



    Pls email me here - yeppuda_teacher at yahoo dot com

    Thanks :)
