Friday, December 11, 2009

Traditional methods of controlling insect pests.

Walking stick in perfect mimicry of its environment
waits for a potential prey.

Nymphalid caterpillars are favorite food of birds.

Abe V Rotor

It is worth rediscovering the traditional methods of controlling insect pests.
Try these old folks’ ways of dealing with insect pests.
Lantana (Lantana camara) is planted along field borders and fences to repel insects from destroying field crops.
Makabuhay is chopped and scattered in the rice field to control golden snail (kuhol) and insect pest.
• Ground seed cotyledon of botong (Barringtona asiatica) is used as fish poison. It is applied in fishponds to get rid of the remaining fish before stocking them with fingerlings.
• The sap of tubang bakod (Jatropha curcas) is used to control the snail vector or Schistozomiasis, known as Oncomelana quadrasi.
• Leaves of neem tree (Aziderachta) and kakawate (Gliricida) are placed under the mat to drive away bedbugs and flea. Powder made of dried leaves of these plants is effective against chicken lice and mites.
• Eucalyptus trees around the house keep off flies and mosquitoes. The menthol smell of Eucalyptus adds freshness of the air.
• Garlic and onions are planted with garden crops to repel insect pests.
• Black pepper in teabags is safer than naphthalene balls in protecting clothes and books, including piano felt linings.
• In capping (sealing) earthen jars, use clay from anthill (punso). Because the material is actually the excrement of termites, this will discourage them from attacking the cap and content of the jar. ~

Living with Folk Wisdom, AVR-UST Manila

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