Thursday, November 19, 2009

Nature of Man - A Reflection

Mahatma Gandhi - Man of the Millennium (1900-2000)
Abe V Rotor 1. The arrow and the bow, True machine before the plow; A hunter’s life he’d ceased To found the land of peace. 2. Can we attribute all of man’s change Oe’r thousands and thousands of years To factors outside his own will? Lo! Learn the ways of his forebears. 3. Corrupting is civilization to Mankind; Better was life the Noble Savage had lived; In the Garden of Eden we have long envied, Sans want, sans war and its evil kind. 4. Other aspects of man we mustn’t overlook; Man from other creatures by having a soul, Which we call conscious intelligence in the book Everything else not enough, even the sum of all. 5. Truth we seek, its bulk is under; Iceberg its tip isn’t the danger; Mum are we, inside is anger; Silence sets us all asunder. 6. Feelings we may fall short; Repressed and the water burst, Rising into waves and froth, Unless our anger dies first. 7. Denial to anger is just the beginning, If anger is provoked and prolonged; Into depression lost from bargaining - Not enough, acceptance the saddest song. 8. To change our ways, hold your peace; In his dungeon Gandhi prayed at ease; Bowed on a loom he wove the cloth Cloth for the naked, the flag, and both. 9. Through time, humanity has changed through use Of its environment for his needs through abuse, From adaptation to alteration, All in the name of civilization. 10. Kindness without honesty - That’s sentimentality; Honesty without kindness - Simply that’s plain cruelty; Peace the duo could harness Brings light to humanity. Don't Cut the Trees, Don't - AVR, UST Manila (Poem All Rights Reserved)

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