Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Seven Sisters - First St Paul of Chartres Missionaries to the Philippines

This mural painting shows the arrival of the first Paulinian mission in Dumaguete (Negros Oriental), composed of seven sisters: four French, one American, one Portuguese, and one Chinese. It is for this occasion that this Centennial Arch is dedicated. In depicting the scene, the artists - Dr. Abe V. Rotor and his three children – Marlo, Anna and Leo Carlo – relived the event through readings and interviews, noting every detail in order to capture the dramatic event as it happened one hundred years ago. A member of the mission wrote, “The ship (from Vietnam) dropped anchor more than one hundred meters away from the harbor. There was not enough water for the ship to get closer. xxx Rowing (the boat) ceased about fifty meters away from the ship. A score of men waded towards us…”

And the rest is history.

Light from the Old Arch 2, AVR

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