Thursday, January 22, 2009

Development Communication: Self-Administered Practical Test - (True or False, 50 items) Development Communication

By Abe V Rotor

1. You will eat less if you drink water, tea or softdrinks before meals.
2. Eat fast so that you will eat less.
3. Healthy eating means deprive yourself of food that makes you fat.
4. Eat even if you are not hungry so that in the long run you will be eating less.
5. Our fears are ingrained in our ancient genes as part of our successful evolution.
6. Past experiences are saved in our consciousness ready to be expressed by stimuli that may come along the way.
7. Halloween has its origin in medieval times in the British Isles.
8. In olden times Halloween was the only day of the year the devil is invoked in marriage ceremonies.
9. In Jonathan Swift’s “The Travels of Gulliver,” the third and last travel of the kindly doctor is the world of the spirits of the dead.
10. The symbol of Halloween is Jack ‘o Lantern, a pumpkin curved like a clown head with candle lit inside it.
11. All of us carry, in one way or the other, certain phobias - no exception.
12. The more intelligent a person is, the more he is affected by emotional problems.
13. Chess is the game that drives players to mental disorder and even early death.
14. Drawing the ghost you are afraid of most makes you a master over it – thus you will not be as scared as we were before you had drawn it.
15. Androphobia is fear of women.
16. The most common phobia is fear of confined places – claustrophobia.
17. The opposite of claustrophobia is agarophobia.
18. Vertigo is associated with aerophobia.
19. There are phobias that are associated with infirmity and certain disorders such as photophobia.
20. Nervous prostration is characterized by exhaustion even without physical cause.
21. Anxiety, if not corrected, may result in compulsive impulses.
22. People who have poor esteem of themselves have more experiences in seeing ghosts and in developing phobias.
23. “Spare the rod and spoil the child,” means we have to be lenient to our children.
24. Predisposition to mental illness is both hereditary and environmental.
25. “White noise” such as the hum of a fan or sound on tape of ocean waves, can enhance sleep rhythm.
26. Deep sleep stimulates growth which explains that children who are getting enough sleep grow bigger than those who are deprived of sufficient sleep.
27. Bed wetting, sleepwalking and sleep talking occur in the 5th and final stage of the sleep rhythm.
28. REM (rapid eye movement) occurs during Stage 1 or light sleep.
29. People are generally classified larks (day people) or owls (night people) – a biological phenomenon that is ingrained in the genes.
30. Ultradian is rhythm taking place in less than twenty hours such as brain waves, heartbeat, attention span.
31. It has been observed that rejection of kidney, heart and pancreas transplants occurs in after a week (circaseptan).
32. Menstrual cycle is the classical example of circatrigintan (monthly rhythm).
33. There are more victims of SAD (Seasonal Affective Depression) in the tropics than in temperate regions.
34. Of all members of the animal kingdom it is the fishes that do not sleep.
35. The Breathing Rhythm is made up of slowing down your rate of breathing.
36. Psychosomatic symptoms develop when we are constantly subjected to anxiety, and persistent stress.
37. Dr. Hans Selye, the proponent of relaxation as key to long life advocates that people should not be subjected to stress and tension.
38. Excess mental activity leads to overactive nerves, then to poor sleeping habits – then to insomnia.
39. The Breathing Rhythm has 3 elements – abdominal breathing, dissociation of thoughts and autosuggestion.
40. One disadvantage of the Breathing Rhythm is that you have to isolate yourself to be above to accomplish its relaxing effect.
41. The prevailing faith of industrialized societies seems to be a religion of work.
42. Tension is the sickness brought on by the inability to relax; it is America’s most hazardous illness.
43. Dewitt Wallace, the reader’s digest founder and president saw a new challenge in journalism during his time, at the turn of industrialization and age of intellectualism.
44. Benevolence and philanthropy are ethical leverage to wealth getting – but if you give part of your wealth, be sure there is absolutely no condition otherwise it negates altruism.
45. Postmodern means after today, that is tomorrow.
46. Times are changing, so with values. There will come a time when what is taboo today will be morally and ethically acceptable tomorrow.
47. Just to cite Filipino excellence, we have distinctly coveted a Nobel prize, citing the first Edsa Revolution.
48. The European Union today has member-countries from both western and eastern Europe.
49. ASEAN has opened its door to other Asian countries, this time to China. It could be the beginning of an EU counterpart in Asia.
50. The newest revolution in Asia is Science Revolution, with India as the next scientific giant.

NOTE: Answers to be provided January 30, 2009
How did you fare?
47 to 50 Outstanding
41 to 46 Very Good
35 to 40 Good
30 to 34 Fair
25 to 29 Passed
24 and below – Tune to the program regularly

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