Saturday, January 30, 2016

Introduction to Ethnobotany: Know these 25 specimens

How familiar are you with these plants? List down the potential uses of each of these specimens, other than their native or ethnic importance.  

Dr Abe V Rotor
Living with Nature School on Blog
Paaralang Bayan sa Himpapawid with Ms Melly C Tenorio
738 DZRB AM Band, 8 to 9 evening class, Monday to Friday

  • Find out the scientific name of each specimen, and place in the taxonomic system of classification
  • Trace their country of origin and geographic distributiion
  • Research on their association with  folklores.  

 (1) Balimbing

(2) Papait
(3) Bagbagkong
(4) Saluyot
(5) Alugbati
(6) Pansit-pansitan
(7) Kamias
(8) Bawang
(9) Pandan Mabango

(10) Yerba Buena
(11) Siling Labuyo
(12) Karimbuaya or Sorosoro
(13) Talinum
(14) Tanglad
(15) Arusip

(16) Tsaang Gubat
(17) Squash flowers (male)
(18) Dampalit
(19) Pako'
(20) Himbaba-o or Alokong
(21) Gulasiman or Ngalog
(22) Tangkoy or Wax Gourd

(23) Tainga ng Daga
 (24) Kutsai
 (25) Singkamas 
(26) Duhat
(27) Malunggay

 (28) Luyang Dilaw
 (29) Bugnay or Bignay 
(30) Achuete

Ten (10) Herbal Medicines in the Philippines Approved by the Department of Health (DOH)

Dr Abe V Rotor 

Here are the ten (10) medic
inal plants that the Philippine Department of Health (DOH) through its "Traditional Health Program" have endorsed. All ten (10) herbs have been thoroughly tested and have been clinically proven to have medicinal value in the relief and treatment of various aliments:

1. Akapulko (Cassia alata) - also known as "bayabas-bayabasan" and "ringworm bush" in English, this herbal medicine is used to treat ringworms and skin fungal infections. (photo)

2. Ampalaya (Momordica charantia) - known as "bitter gourd" or "bitter melon" in English, it most known as a treatment of diabetes (diabetes mellitus), for the non-insulin dependent patients.

3. Bawang (Allium sativum) - popularly known as "garlic", it mainly reduces cholesterol in the blood and hence, helps control blood pressure.

4. Bayabas (Psidium guajava) - "guava" in English. It is primarily used as an antiseptic, to disinfect wounds. Also, it can be used as a mouth wash to treat tooth decay and gum infection.
5. Lagundi (Vitex negundo) - known in English as the "5-leaved chaste tree". It's main use is for the relief of coughs and asthma. (Left photo)  (le

6. Niyog-niyogan (Quisqualis indica L.) - is a vine known as "Chinese honey suckle". It is effective in the elimination of intestinal worms, particularly the Ascaris and Trichina. Only the dried matured seeds are medicinal -crack and ingest the dried seeds two hours after eating (5 to 7 seeds for children & 8 to 10 seeds for adults). If one dose does not eliminate the worms, wait a week before repeating the dose.

7. Sambong (Blumea balsamifera)- English name: Blumea camphora. A diuretic that helps in the excretion of urinary stones. It can also be used as an edema.

8. Tsaang Gubat (Ehretia microphylla Lam.) - Prepared like tea, this herbal medicine is effective in treating intestinal motility and also used as a mouth wash since the leaves of this shrub has high fluoride content. (= Carmona retusa)

 9. Ulasimang Bato | Pansit-Pansitan (Peperomia pellucida) - It is effective in fighting arthritis and gout. The leaves can be eaten fresh (about a cupful) as salad or like tea. For the decoction, boil a cup of clean chopped leaves in 2 cups of water. Boil for 15 to 20 minutes. Strain, let cool and drink a cup after meals (3 times day). (photo)

10. Yerba Buena (Clinopodium douglasii) - commonly known as Peppermint, this vine is used as an analgesic to relive body aches and pain. It can be taken internally as a decoction or externally by pounding the leaves and applied directly on the afflicted area.

Tips on Handling Medicinal Plants / Herbs:
• If possible, buy herbs that are grown organically - without pesticides. (Or get herbs from your own garden)

• Medicinal parts of plants are best harvested on sunny mornings. Avoid picking leaves, fruits or nuts during and after heavy rainfall.

• Leaves, fruits, flowers or nuts must be mature before harvesting. Less medicinal substances are found on young parts.

• After harvesting, if drying is required, it is advisable to dry the plant parts either in the oven or air-dried on screens above ground and never on concrete floors.

• Store plant parts in sealed plastic bags or brown bottles in a cool dry place without sunlight preferably with a moisture absorbent material like charcoal. Leaves and other plant parts that are prepared properly, well-dried and stored can be used up to six months.

Tips on Preparation for Intake of Herbal Medicines:
 • Use only half the dosage prescribed for fresh parts like leaves when using dried parts.

• Do not use stainless steel utensils when boiling decoctions. Only use earthen, enameled, glass or alike utensils.

• As a rule of thumb, when boiling leaves and other plant parts, do not cover the pot, and boil in low flame.

• Decoctions loose potency after some time. Dispose of decoctions after one day. To keep fresh during the day, keep lukewarm in a flask or thermos.

• Always consult with a doctor if symptoms persist or if any sign of allergic reaction develops.

Reference: Philippine Herbal Medicine

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Jungle survival - building fire

Try this technique in your next camping if you are a boy scout or member of an Eco Camp. You can do it better than in the movie Castaway. You may set a prize for the winner.
Dr Abe V Rotor
Living with Nature School on Blog
Paaralang Bayan sa Himpapawid (People's School on Air) with Ms Melly C Tenorio
738 DZRB 8 to 9 evening class, Monday to Friday

Heat by friction brings dry bamboo
shavings to kindling temperature.

Spontaneous combustion is aided
by blowing to increase oxygen.

Smoke gets into your eyes. Success!
Subic, Zambales 2008

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

A Portfolio of Superstitious Beliefs 5: Babies smile at angels we don’t see.

A Portfolio of Superstitious Beliefs 5: 
Babies smile at angels we don’t see.

Dr Abe V Rotor

1. Babies smile at angels we don’t see. 

2. Kill a chicken for a new born baby as an offering. 

3. Sweeping or cleaning the house while a dead relative is in wake will lead to the death of another member of the family. 

4. Eating jackfruit during menstruation is prohibited otherwise the woman will get sick and even die. 

5. When planting sitao (string bean), place a comb on your hair to induce the production of abundant long fruits.

6. Eating chicken cooked with squash will cause leprosy.

7. A woman on her menstrual period should not visit a garden or orchard otherwise the plants will become sick or die.

8. To know if it is true jade, it remains cool even if the body is warm.

9. Beware of the werewolf. Man can turn into a wolf, and vice versa. 

10. Eight (8) is a lucky number; 8 is infinity. It means money will circulate.

11. Four (4) means in Chinese C or death. Every time you reach an age with the number 9 or 4, take precaution; you are prone to accident. 

12. Don’t cut fingernails at night; it’s bad luck.

13. In Chinese marriage, the woman walks backward led by a relative to be delivered to the bridegroom.

14. If a child keeps spitting, it will rain.

15. If you point at the moon your will suffer a cut.

16. Don’t allow your friend to remove your ring, otherwise you will quarrel.

17. Fixed marriage at birth is good luck.

18. Chinese calendar is late by two months – New Year is in February.
Chinese age starts one year at birth. 

19. Palm lines may change, so with our lives. 

20. Blessed palm on Easter Sunday is hang at the door for good luck.

21. First cut hair and fingernails of a baby must be kept in a book so that he will be intelligent.

22. Wearing black is symbol of mourning; to the Chinese it is wearing all white. 

23. Among the Chinese, miniaturized house, car and the like, go with the departed to assure him of a happy afterlife.
24. In a Chinese temple, you offer food to the gods, and then eat it after. This is not the case in Filipino custom; just leave the food offering (atang).

25. To the Chinese, paper money goes with the dead; it will be converted into real money in afterlife. 

26. Light candles outside of the house during All Saints Day in deference to of the souls of the dead and the unseen.  (Lighted candle also drives flies away.)

27. When you happen to encounter a funeral entourage, throw some coins in respect of the dead. 

28. Don’t stand in front of a gate if you are pregnant.

29. If by mistake it’s the bride that hands over the arras to the bridegroom, expect that she will be the breadwinner. 

30. Diamond studded wedding rings do not make a perfect relationship. ~

A Portfolio of Superstitious Beliefs 2: Bed must not face the door, otherwise the sleeping person will become a victim of bangongot (mysterious death in sleep).

 Dr Abe V Rotor 

 1. Bed must not face the door, otherwise the sleeping person will become a victim of bangongot (mysterious death in sleep). Note: Sudden unexpected death syndrome (SUDS), sudden unexpected nocturnal death syndrome (SUNDS), sudden adult death syndrome (SADS), or bed death is sudden unexpected death of adolescents and adults, many during sleep. Not to be confused with Sudden cardiac death. Bangungot is depicted in the Philippines as a mythological creature called batibat or bangungot. This hag-like creature sits on the victim's face or chest so as to immobilize and suffocate him. When this occurs, the victim usually experiences paralysis. It's said that one should bite their tongue and wiggle their toes to try to get out of this paralysis or they may die from suffocation.

2. Place some coins in the foundation of buildings and other structures during ground breaking ceremony to make them strong and withstand time.

3. Children are sacrificed in making bridges and other infrastructure.

4. Bury placenta with rosary and pencil so that the child will be both intelligent and God-fearing.

5. Palms with crisscross lines (rapas Ilk) means the person is cruel.

6. Palms with netted lines means the person has an unorganized life (magulong buhay).

7. Shake (pagpagin) the items such as clothes after a customer had left without buying any, to break bad luck.

8. Place money in a bed pan (arinola), so that it becomes plentiful.

9. Babies that fall from their cradle do not suffer injury, thanks to their guardian angels.

10. When you give a wallet as gift be sure you put a coin or a money bill in it so that the wallet won’t run out of money.

11. When transferring to a new house carry with you 24 oranges, salt, water, and rice.

12. Jade stones around the wrist of a baby indicate his condition. If they turn light in color the baby is not well.

13. When transferring a dead person into the house, be sure it is head first; when taking him out, it is feet first.

14. When blessing a new vehicle, sprinkler fresh blood of chicken in tires and engine to bad omen of accident.

15. Don’t bump the coffin while carrying it; it is bad luck.

16. Pour water at the doorway once the coffin has been taken out.

17. Wash face and hands after the dead has been laid to rest.

18. When coming from a wake have a stopover somewhere and do not directly go home, otherwise the spirit of the dead will follow you.

19. The wishbone of a chicken makes a wholesome game for two. Wish comes true to the one who gets the common stem of the Y-shape bone.

20. One can determine the sex of the baby by the poise and shape of the pregnant woman. If rotund, it’s going to be a girl; if pointed, it’s going to be a boy.

21. During labor, if the pain is bearable and continuous, it’s going to be a girl; if labor pain is intermittent and intense, it’s going to be a boy.

22. When leaving the dining table ahead, those who are still eating must rotate their plates, otherwise they will remain bachelors or spinsters. (The belief is silent on the fate of the married ones.)

23. Couple to be married the following day must not see each other the night before.

24. When Friday comes don’t talk about the supernatural, such as kapre, dwende, and the like.

25. Never buy a cat; it will not be a good mouse catcher.

26. If a cat sneezes it’s going to rain. But if it sneezes three times, everyone in the family will catch cold.

27. A cat that has its back towards the fire means a typhoon in coming.

28. Unfortunate events usually happen on full moon.

115. Whenever you go to a church for the first time make three wishes.

29. If you buy a stuffed or figurine elephant, choose one with its trunk turned upward. It means good luck.

30. Don’t open the umbrella inside the house; vermin will come out.

31. When planting beans, place a comb on your hair to induce the production of abundant long fruits.

31. Orange clouds are bad omen; they are signs of either drought or poor harvest.

32. If you accidentally bite your tongue it means someone is speaking about you.

33. Knock only twice – not thrice, else you court the attention of the devil.

34. Sleep with your head toward the east or north to prevent nightmares.

35. To keep luck for yourself and the family hang a horseshoe with its tips up. If you want your luck to be shared with those who enter your house, hang it the opposite way.

36. If your nose itches, someone is thinking about you.

37. Never take home flowers from the cemetery, otherwise someone is going to die.

38. Eating sour fruits during menstruation will cause menstruation to stop.

9. Girls on their very first day of menstruation are asked to jump down from the third step of the stairs in order to limit their monthly period to three days only.

40. The stained underwear of a girl on her very first day of menstruation is asked to wipe her face with it so that she will have a beautiful, fair and acne-free face. ~

Acknowledgement: Photo from Internet

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Answers to Self-administered Test on Rice

Dr Abe V Rotor
Paaralang Bayan sa Himpapawid with Ms Melly C Tenorio
738 DZRB 8 to 9 evening class Mon to Fri, March 31, 2008

  1. Percent of rice hull – 25 %   T
  2. Area planted to rice 4 m  F
  3. Pinawa = to whole wheat  T
  4. Kiskisan predominates milling more than 55- 60 percent total milling  T
  5. PH losses from threshing to retailing is up to 40% F (more)
(Photo: Indigenous rice dehuller, NFA Museum)
  1. Rice has protein value equivalent to that of legumes – F
  2. Vietnam, Thailand are the largest exporters of rice to the Phil – T
  3. IRRI varieties have virtually vanished in local fields of Asia and Africa  T
  4. Rice substitution should ideally be of other grains like wheat – F
  5. Root crops and legumes are the main substitute of rice in rural area – T
  6. Meat economy means converting grains into meat – T
  7. Meat economy is the alternative to grain economy where grain production is not sufficient – F
  8.  Palagad or dry season rice crop is more productive than that of regular crop T
  9. Rice producing countries in continental Asia relies much of the melting snow of the Himalayas T
  10. Rice also contains gluten – leavening protein in wheat.  F
  11. Imported rice is inferior (especially from Thailand and Vietnam) to local rice F
  12. Tikitiki is derived from corn.  F
  13. 25 % of Filipinos are corn eaters  F
  14. We are self sufficient in corn at present – the problem is rice shortage  F
  15. Rice is more readily digested than wheat and corn   T
  16. The Philippines was a rice exporter for several years during the Marcos administration  T
  17. US supplies rice regularly to the Phil through PL140 or Kennedy Round 2  T
  18. Our average production in rice and corn is one of the lowest in the world.  T
  19. Milling recovery on the average is 65 percent. F
  20. Among the pest of rice are stemborers in the field, and rice weevils in the warehouse.  T
  21. Varieties tagged in the market are not the true varieties.  T
  22. Sinandomeng, Raminad, Wagwag, Intan are fancy varieties, if not old varieties, which are no longer officially recognized by the seed board.  T
  23. The IRRI variety series was up to IR 76 sometime in the eighties  T
  24. Golden rice (genetically modified) is an original contribution of IRRI, now being worked on for multiplication  F (Swiss scientist on japonica rice)
  25. People who eat corn are more resistant and sturdy   T
  26. Philrice developed the hybrid rice  T
  27. Hybrid rice, true to its name, is resistant to all major insect pests and diseases. F
  28. Maya is an important pest of rice in the field, as well as inside warehouses.  F
  29. Practically wastage is not thought of on the farm because range chicken glean on leftovers   T
  30. The longest dryer of palay in the world is ion the Philippines – believe it or not.  T
  31. Rice harvest in the dry season comes ahead in Cagayan Valley than  in  Central Luzon     F
  32. It is possible that imported rice and locally produced rice are indisguisable because both come from one kind of rice – O sativa. T
  33. Oryza japonica is also grown in the Philippines in commercial quantity – but quite expensive  F
  34. US rice is what they call as long grain variety, also of the sativa type, but it is gown upland  T
  35. Upland rice is more aromatic than lowland rice in general  T (Milagrosa)
  36. When you buy rice see to it that the grain is not chalky, more of whole than brokens, smells without trace of fungus odor.  T
  37. Newly harvested rice leavens better than old stock, it remains soft longer F
  38. Buffer stock means in the law, 90-day supply for the whole country in the custody of government warehouses  F
  39. NFA together with NIA and NEA were the three model agencies during the Marcos regime, which inspires a number of countries to study and adopt – among them Thailand, China, Vietnam and SA and Africa. T
  40. Masagana 99 was a success politically.  Its socio economic benefit was far reaching.  Only that it was based on high technology, energy-dependent, and financially-heavy – all these became unaffordable to the local farmers.  T
  41. Agrarian program is too social-justice centered, dragged on for years without adequate financing and infrastructure, alienated legitimate landowners, and destroyed the principle of economics of scale.  T
  42. Our failure in agrarian reform exacerbates our non-competitiveness with other countries under the WTO. T
  43. Our Banaue rice terraces is a victim of modern rice technology. T
  44. It is important to fallow the land – three croppings of rice a year will drain the soil, makes it acidic and ultimately become spent even before our children’s time.  T
  45. RCPCC precursor of NAFC – now NFAC was composed of 24 agencies which conceived and managed the successful implementation of Masagana 99, Maisan 77 and other self-sufficiency program of the government under Marcos time. T

1. Pirurutong Rice that is all black – hull, bran, grain, including starch, especially when cooked.
2. English term for the unicorn of rice grain  - “awn”.